• Latest BETA: 1.0.2 1.0.2
  • Latest PUBLIC:
Play the latest PUBLIC version online now! 100% free! Click here!

How to install the game

  1. Download the full version of the game and extract the content of the zip file in any folder with read and write permissions (typically C:/ or your desktop)
  2. Start Glassix.exe located inside the game folder to play the game.

How to patch the game

  1. Download the patch for the current full version you downloaded
  2. If there are multiple patches for the current version, download all of them (Only 2 different patches for one version usually)
  3. Move the zip(s) of the patch inside the game folder (on the same folder as the Glassix.exe)
  4. Unzip the file and overwrite files when asked
  5. If you have several patch zips, unzip them one by one in increment ("Patch 0.xx.0 to 0.xx.1" first then "Patch 0.xx.1 to 0.xx.2") and always overwrite
  6. Done!

Minimum system requirements

  • Windows 7, 8 or 10 (Windows XP NOT supported!)
  • 512MB RAM
  • 1 GHz Processor
  • The latest version of your graphics card drivers

How to report bugs

If you encounter a bug while playing, you can contact me to let me know about it using one of those:

  • Email: contact (at) gaweb-studio.com
  • Patreon community page (or the related version post)
  • Discord server, using the Glassix Bug Report channel
  • Facebook
  • Twitter